Rabu, Februari 24, 2010


+ i-chi please stay by my side. you don't know how much i need you at this time. you helped me dealing with all the situations happening to me these lately. you always know how to make feel better when needed. seriously, i cried when i think of this.

+ we started from zero and it will increase little by little as time passes until there's too much to count. is it alright sayang?

+ izat i-chi, ila, iejatt moshibots. thanks korang sebab created satu lagi mood indah waktu petang bersama semalam ;D

+ a-san, be ashamed of yourself! wake up!! other people are better than you! jangan jadi bodoh la!

+ kakak kakak kakak kakak. mish nina radzi, kenapa balik sekejap sangat. tak boleh hang out dengan kakak lama2 macam dulu lagi :(

+ a short talk with her was enough. kau buat aku goyaangg laa. boleh ke aku compete with that??

+ you. yeah, you. please don't mess up with my mind lagi okay girl. please move on. penat la aku nak layan kau.

+ i'm messed up. a total no! no! for my brain.

+ aku perlu tukar mindset. optimistik bukan pesimistik. hai otak, ingat tu!

+ chill girl chill..everything will be just fine.

the one who's talkin to herself,

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