Ahad, April 28, 2013

aku bodoh
aku lupa
aku leka
aku pada tiap kali
aku tika yang seronok

dan kemudian 
pada setiap sujud,
sudah setiap salam,
Tuhan juga yang aku fikir

titik hitam dalam hati ini makin besar
tiap kali aku mohon ampun
tiap kali juga aku ulang lagi
aku bodoh.

Khamis, April 25, 2013


1. Mind above matter

2. Cambridge Placement Test this afternoon was dope! who bet 30 minutes of my life was distressed by accents! thank God for all those 4 seasons of Misfits. phew!

3. Education is not supposed to be politically motivated but that is not what happening. i pity the children of our nation.

4. Children of special needs are way more adorable than normal kids I tell you.

5. hi, Izzue Islam ;)

6. MA. He's getting on my nerves.

7. My life philosophy "what i learn is for the life, not for exam's sake" - san

8. i am imperfect yet i never stop seeking forgiveness from Allah.

9. prejudices. i can see it in your face.

10. why do you let yourself being treated this way? you are the death of feminism. shame on yourself, san!