Jumaat, Julai 30, 2010

You made me did this.

Err..meet this guy, what's his name ha? Guess it by yourself lah thru this pic.

Nifty...haha. That's what I think bout you. Kudos for you syg if you dah jumpa blog ni :p

oh. it's 2:26am on a Friday morning and i'm sitting here doing this aimless stuff just because you told me to do so. haha. wth -.-

hey Id, 

Sabtu, Julai 24, 2010

Just Another Side of Me That You Wouldn't Understand but I Hope You Would.

harapnya kau tenggelam dengan jenaka sendiri,
jenaka yang memakan diri,

dan rasa ini,
rasa yang memakan diri,
rasa yang sepertinya tergantung di suatu....uhmm.
entah lah. rasa fucked up kalau dari mulut aku.

*tarik nafas dalam*

waktu ini bukan lagi terasa seperti waktu aku,
waktu aku hilang bila aku mula rosakkannya,
ingat saja bila aku rosakkan perasaan kau,
bila aku main-mainkan apa yang tak patut dimainkan.

sisi buruk aku yang kau tak akan faham,
yang aku harap kau akan faham,
segala benda aku buat main,
main dalam main,
dan...inilah jadinya.

kau buat lagi a-san.
dia yang keberapakah kau main-mainkan?
sudah banyak kan?
bila kau lupa diri,
bila kau overboard,
mereka pun sakit hati dengan kau.

lagi cari masalah,

Rabu, Julai 14, 2010

Waiting for another sunrise

never felt like this


never ever.

i want this


so much

then again

thinking of it

is this


right one

for me?

tears of silence

being kept back

just before i could break worse.


Selasa, Julai 13, 2010

Vita Nova

Hey! It's been a while huh. Naah, i don't think so lol. Just wanna say sumthing of this new life of mine. So, here we go...

So i just livin a new life, a new place, lots and lots of new faces :D It has been three weeks or so. First week was not so good, badly homesick but luckily i was over it by the second week. yay.

+ the surroundings; panas do

+ the people; hmm just fine. okay. some are nifty. hehe

+ the classmates; they're wackos but awesomeeee =D

+ the lecturers; they're fine kot. tak garang pun. haha

+ the subjects; i'm okay with all those subjects. exceptional : financial accounting. uhhh >.<

+ the tuesdays; got pasar malam. makan dan makan dan makan

+ the koku; Kesatria Brass Band. just the perfect one for me.

+ the foods; gosh, makan dan makan dan makan saja sepanjang hari do. fav time lepak at cafe from 7pm till 11pm kot, and surely duit aku habis banyak. typical me.

+ the route; heh. 15minutes sweaty and heaty walk thru the colleges - office management fac - computer science & math fac - business management fac - art & design fac - dewan seri iskandar - and finally my fac -.-"

+ the college; oh. my college at the most back of the campus. tepi hutan je. babi monyet ada ah.

+ the wifi; mcm ape je. wise advise : bring your own broadband lah.

Oh, unexpected things happen here. Meet with lots of long friends of mine. Hello again...ar, i guess i'll see you around. And hey, i'm starting to love living in here. cheers :)

them my roommates.
new bitches of mine.

three years to go,

Ahad, Julai 11, 2010

Girls facts, according to them. Its kinda incredible lol.

holler to the guys out there;
99 facts about girls
bold on "this girl" facts

1. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out. (CARDINAL RULE)

2. We don’t enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.

3. Don’t say you understand when you don’t.

4. Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!

5. You don’t have PMS; don’t act like you know what it’s like.

6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.

7. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.

8. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't, apologize.

9. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won’t always cut it.

10. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it.

11. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.

12. Don’t make bets about us; we always find out.

13. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we hate it.

14. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it is not.

15. Don’t compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson’s; hers are fake, just remember that.

16. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.

17. Most of the time, when we fantasize, it's about you.

18. Girls are petty; get over it. We like to start fights.

19. It's good to be sensitive sometimes.

20. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

21. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology.

22. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.)

23. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.

24. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt.

25. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually not sure how to react to them.

26. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?

27. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.

28. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her.

29. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).

30. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.

31. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

32. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act look uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.

33. A smile means a lot to a girl.

34. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.

35. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave.

36. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.

37. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.

38. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.

39. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.

40. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl, read romance stories.

41. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.

42. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.

43. Girls love having fun!

44. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

45. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through.

46. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.

47. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.

48. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.

49. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.

50. Girls always hope that they can always remain as friend with their ex. But never know how

51. When a girl bumps into your arm while walking she wants you to hold her hand

52. When she wants a hug she will just stand there

53. When u break a girls heart, she still feels it when you run into each other 3 years later

54. When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind.

55. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply.

56. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around.

57. When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine.

58. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful.

59. When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

60. When a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future.

61. When a girl says, "I miss you, " no one in this world can miss you more than that

62. When a girl is mean to you after a breakup she wants you back, but she's scared she'll get hurt and knows you're gone forever

63. A kiss on the cheek means "yes".

64. We want you to put your arm around us at the theater.

65. Fighting and swearing doesn't impress us.

66. We don't always look our best, so please, get over it...

67. We're not perfect

68. The smallest things you do mean most.

69. When you say we're cold it's our invitation to come closer.

70. Hugs mean more sometimes.

71. Hold our hand and hug us in front of your friends.

72. Never force us to do something we don't want to do

73. Text us at night to wish us sweet dreams.

74. Sometimes we need your advice too.

75. "Fine" is never an appropriate response when we ask you how we look. 

76. We expect you to call us.

77. We are more forgiving of you than we really should be.

78. You did something bad. We seem cool with it. We're not.

79. If you ask us out directly, we will say yes.

80. We are very impressed when you ask for our advice.

81. We are unimpressed with guys who don't take the lead.

82. We're in heaven when you hold our hands.

83. We need to hear how you feel about us. Often. Tell us now.

84. We want to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this.

85. If we are not feeling loved, we will start looking.

86. Discussion of ex-gf's and ex-bf's should be avoided at all times.

87. We like it when you tell us what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself.

88. Celebrating anniversary, even if it's only been a few months, earns major bonus points.

89. Even nice girls like hushed dirty talk in public.

90. For the record : We'd rather you break up with as than cheat on us.

91. We remember everything about our relationship.

92. GIRLS ALWAYS LOVE FUNNY GUYS...(and you should have know this)

93. Make us curious, in a sweet way

94. Don't sing us corny love songs.

95. Tell us about your secrets to make us feel special.

96. Make us laugh. But DON'T make fun of us, even if it's a joke. Some girls are just too sensitive.

97. When you're hanging out with some of your pretty girl friends (or worse, your flirty ex girlfriend), you make us feel insecure, and we hate that.

98. If you remember some of the little things about our habits, we really really think you're super sweet.

99. You should know all this and more with-out us telling you.

hey you. yeah, you. would you even notice this? =),

Jumaat, Julai 09, 2010

Hari Ini

Setiap hari satu kanvas baru untuk dilukis.
Aku cuma perlu pastikan yang dilukis itu penuh gembira, penuh suka.
Jika tak, dipenghujung hari tidak akan aku melihatnya dan tidak akan aku suka padanya.

Solusinya, aku perlu, setiap hari
Aku buka mata, aku kata pada sendiri,
"aku sendiri, bukan apa ada di sekeliling, yang tentukan jika aku mahu gembira atau tidak pada hari ini.
aku yang tentukan apa yang aku mahu, yang aku hendak.
semalam sudah mati, esok belum pasti.
hanya satu hari, hari ini, dan aku akan suka serta gembira padanya"

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory" - Betty Smith

Pada hari ini,

Jumaat, Julai 02, 2010

Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) @UiTM Perak (rant on orien week)

Sabtu 26/6/2010
: Pagi pagi lagi bertolak dari taman aman, kampung bahagia. Mak aku pesan, "kau pegi awal, boleh dapat asrama depan". heh.aku datang awal, blok paling belakang sekali diorang bagi. siot je -.- Kolej Indera Mulia, Melati 1106. Roomates terbaik lah aku rasa. Semua satu kepala. Nureen from Chemor, Arin from Manjung, and Mimi from Gombak. haha. untung aku tak dapat roomates dari negeri pelik pelik aku tak suka.

: Back from Manjung pegi lunch, balik balik kat kolej. Taklimat Sahsiah Rupa Diri @Pusat Islam Bgn Baru (PI). bapak gila jauh kena jalan kaki. approximately 1kilometer lebih dari kolej pegi PI. Fuck ah. Pakai baju kurung, tudung biasa turun bawah pin tiga, kasut sukan, dalam kain pakai seluar sukan. Dress code sepanjang MDS. Aku pun macam, damn >.< haha. sape yang kenal aku taula ape perasaan aku. Aziela pun merungut benda sama kat aku. Dalam banyak banyak tu berapa je aku ikut? Semua ah! Tolak dalam kain pakai seluar sukan je. Agak ah aku nak pakai camtu. Bukan peha aku gila flabby sampai melecet nak kena pakai camtu.

Ahad 27/6/2010
: Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru @Dewan Seri Iskandar (DSI) sebelah PI je. Boring. Jalan lagi. heh.

: Petang sampai malam taklimat lagi. Takde yang seronok pun.

Isnin 28/6/2010
: Taklimat. Taklimat. Taklimat. Tiga kali boring lagi. Malam tu aku ponteng aktiviti segala. Bertenang je tak pegi DSI. Lantak ah kantoi dengan OC ke hape. Aku taknak pegi.

Selasa 29/6/2010
: Hari tu aku rasa seronok sangat. Gelak ketawa segala dengan member. Tapi kawan kawan aku selalu pesan, jangan seronok sangat. Haa. Haritu sangat interesting. Pagi ada Perasmian MDS. Petang sampai senja ada taklimat lagi.

: Cerita senja sampai malam, aku panggil Tuesday Hister Havoc. Why huh? Sini aku cerita. Senja tu lepak kat PI. Orang sembahyang maghrib aku huhahuhaa kat bawah PI dengan member. Tetiba akak OC suruh ktorang buat benda pelik. Pusing badan mengadap kat DSI. Dia tak bagi tengok depan sebab depan tu hutan. Aku boleh agak dia buat macamtu ada kena mengena dengan hister case semalamnya. Tapi cerita tu tak ramai tau pun. Thanks kat Kak Ju cepat je bagi aku info. Hahah. Then tetiba akak OC ramai ramai rushing ktorang suruh masuk DSI cecepat. macam pelik. Orang tak habis sembahyang lagi dah suruh gerak. Haa time tu lah aku nampak permulaan kepada malam tu. Kakak-kakak OC tengah keliling sorang budak pengsan sambil takbir kuat kuat. Aku ignore jelah. Sure budak tu kena sumthing tapi dah pengsan. Masuk DSI lepak dekat tingkat atas. Fyi, tingkat atas tempat favourite aku dengan member nak duduk sebab : boleh nampak whole dewan, duduk atas row lelaki, abang OC jaga atas hensem ohh. haha. Dalam dewan lepak lepak. Tak lama pastu aku dengar suara perempuan menjerit jerit. Naah, dah start dah. Serious kuat from PI sampai DSI jauh gak tu. Tak lama pastu benda tu berjangkit masuk dalam dewan, sorang budak menangis nangis menjerit, pastu sorang, pastu sorang lagi, sampai merebak satu dewan. Tingkat atas paling havoc ah aku rasa 1/3 dari students kat atas tu kena hister. Kiri, kanan, depan, belakang aku budak hister je ah. Damn lah. Kenapa benda camni nak jadi. Haihh. Aku dengan the rest tersepit kat depan tingkat atas tu tak boleh pegi mana mana sebab belakang semua orang hister. First time kot aku experience benda ni. Kawan aku pesan jangan tengok diorang just kuatkan semangat. That whole night, satu tempat je aku tengok so boleh distract aku dari tengok yang kat belakang, tu row bawah, siswa. Haha. Lepas dah calm sikit keadaan, siswi semua boleh balik kolej. Siswa kena tinggal kat DSI dengar taklimat Tajol Rosli. Best kan Kak Ju? Hahah.

Rabu 30/6/2010
: Taklimat lagi, pegi fakulti, taklimat lagi, petang riadah larian UiTM. heh. penat. besar area situ. Malam taklimat dan taklimat lagi.

Khamis 1/7/2010
: Pagi sampai tengah hari taklimat + ceramah -.- Petangnya sesi Amanat Naib Canselor live from UiTM Shah Alam. Jeles aku tgk budak budak sana. Rules takde ketat macam kat sini. Tahpape. Gila boring ah dengar orang bagi ucapan. Atas dewan tu dahla best, depan kipas, lagi aku nak tertidur ah.Tak boleh tidur le. Abang OC sepanjang masa jaga. Haihh. Rasa nak maki tapi tak sanggup. Hensem sangat. Suka gila tengok. Haha. Oh ohh. Semangat gila aku nyanyi lagu UiTM yang dua tu. Apsal tah. Jakun je. Hahaha. And this was the end of MDS! woohooo! no more rules pelik pelik, kena tengking dengan akak OC, berjalan ulang alik,

: Malam lagi ada taklimat. Pelik dohh UiTM ni. Taklimat je memanjang padahal MDS dah habis. Malam tu ponteng lagi. Seronok ah memonteng aktiviti senyap senyap. Tapi aku rasa akak akak OC dengan ketua aras dah boleh mark muka ktorang. Sebab ktorang kalau pagi nak keluar paling lambat, malam nak balik paling cepat. Bila ktorang takde tu, haa... Tak kantoi lagi. haha.

dan dan dan

Jumaat 2/7/2010
: Hari buat kad metrik. Pagi sampai petang. Pagi orang lain dah gerak pegi DSI, budak Melati 1106 je takde sebab diorang sedap membuta sampai pukul sepuluh. Again, ponteng aktiviti. Bertenang je duduk kat kolej takde nak penat penat, takde nak kena tengking, takde nak lain lain lagi ah. Tengok orang lain semua pakai macam waktu MDS lagi. Shit ah. MDS dah abis. Ape kau nak lagi ni haa? Mimi and me keras kepala taknak ikut rules, keluar kolej pakai baju kurung biasa, kasut biasa, no more pin tudung tiga lagi. Ohh. Siswa UiTM batak dohh. Tak pernah tengok orang. Pegi DSI lama dengan niat nak buat kad metrik. Sepanjang jalan orang memandang. Lantak ah korang. Ape aku kesah. MDS dah abis. Keluar je dewan, nampak tu tuu haa, abang OC biro disiplin. Dalam hati "heh, sure abang tu tanye ni". Yeah, memang kena tahan pun. Dengan loghat klate nye dia tanya ktorang "baghu sampa ko?" aku pun macam, "haa", dia tanya lagi "baghu sampa harini ko?" aku tak berapa dengar. Dia tanya soalan cepumas, "ni kenapa ni?" dengan selamba menjawab "MDS dah habis kan?" abang OC terdiam "oh". Hahaha. Kau nak tengking ktorang lagi ke? MDS dah habis ahh!

comments :
+ dugaan tengok jantans. segala macam jenis ada. haha.

+ siswa gelabah semacam. haha

+ babi ah nak kena jalan ulang alik kolej - PI - dewan makan (kolej) - DSI - PI - dewan makan - DSI - PI - dewan makan - PI - DSI - kolej. penat gila gila. kaki sakit melecet mengelupas segala -.- aku tak sempat lagi nak check berat aku lepas jalan jalan 'cardiovascular exercise' ni.

+ mandi kalau ikutkan pukul empat pagi dengan tengah malam je. Jadual macam taik, tak sempat nak balik kolej buat apa pun. kotor kotor busuk busuk pegi makan, masuk dewan, pegi sembahyang. memang sedap ahh.

+ nak tidur sedap memang tak ah! habis kuat pun dua jam je. aku sebab ponteng ponteng tu la boleh tidur lama sikit. tapi kesian kat kau kan Aziela. 

+ one week habis RM20 phone credits. heh. calling calling room mates, texting hardcore dengan Id. Tu je pun. Aku memang tak reti nak plan aku punya belanja kat sana ah. Pegi koperasi je pun dah macam macam aku beli. Makkannya tak jugak :/

+ Kolej dengan fac aku macam kutub utara pegi kutub selatan, dua dua kat hujung dunia. Fac aku dekat gate depan, kolej aku dekat belakaaaannnggg sekali -.- 

+ Serious aku boleh rasa aku boleh jadi lagi jahat kat sini. heh.

+ Thanks to a few friends back at t.i yang tanya khabar aku masa Tuesday Hister Havoc. Cepat je ko update status fesbuk ye Kak Ju.

+ MDS a.k.a. Minggu Dera Siswa. suxxxx

+ One week @UiTM tiga kali demam. Bagus betul -.- elok elok tunggu bas korang suruh jalan kaki redah hujan. macam bangang kan?

+ Finally i'm home. Apa aku bawak datang, aku bawak balik. Satu laundry bag penuh baju kotor, satu luggage isi baju bersih. hahah

MDS dah habis :DD,